
remy goh

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Some Friends


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Wednesday, February 20, 2008
8:31 PM

many people have left, and many people have come. some of those who've left, will come back. some may not. to all those who've left, good luck and have fun!! for those who're coming back, welcome back.

*isnt what it seemed like today paul and conrad. not gonna publicise on my blog. haha. see u guys!! miss u all. sorry i couldnt have gone for many many of the class outings. really busy. yup.

Saturday, February 16, 2008
6:47 PM

i bet all of you can see three things. one, i have not blogged in a duper long time. two, this is a new post and three, i have a new url.

haha sorry for not posting in so long, i've been really busy... fine. not busy, just lazy. haha. sorry everyone!!!

secondly, this is a new post. shows that this blog isnt dead anymore and everyone can finally get off my back for posting a new post. yup.

lastly, u all can see my new url and its been suggested to me by mel. haha. spent alot of paul's patience when he taught me to do the relinking thing.. sorry paul!! and thanks alot. haha.

well, we had an og outing yesterday and i only got home at 1130. then i woke up at 1 and had to wash up and everything and got to tuition just in time at 2. what a rushed day.

anyway, og outing was fun.. as usual. dunno if there'll be another. but it'll be a real pity if there isnt one. yup. cause even though we spend alot of time slacking and stoning, and talking, we have really bonded together really tightly. yesterday was a typical outing for my og. after school, we waited at the bleachers for the rest and lynette 'blew' the imaginary candles on her cake.. then, we went to dover market for lunch and then we went back to school again. then , after meeting up with the rest of the group, royston included, we headed over to vivo where we went to the roof to talk and talk.. then headed for dinner at bk then went back to the roof for pictures and to talk some more. it may sound boring but it was really nice. yup. then, one group went off and randall, royston, diana, melissa and me were left, we slacked around a little more then decided to head home. FOUND PEANUT BUTTER CUPS AT CANDY EMPIRE IN VIVO!!!! haha. i almost died frm the niceness.

well.. this is coming to the end of the post that revives my blog and fyi, i cant wait for night of laughter on monday. haha. hopefully my parents wont ban me frm going. yup. lets end off with a quote..

in this world, there are three kinds of people. one, those who can count and two, those who cant.

*was reminded of this nonsense at the beginning of this post. yup

Thursday, February 7, 2008
8:13 PM

this blog is so dead.... hahahahha