
remy goh

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Sunday, April 27, 2008
4:46 PM

the past week has been a week with many ups and downs. cant remember the details that clearly but i'll try to recall them as best as i can. all i can say is that the ups this week has been much more significant than the downs, so im not suicidal. yet.

one of the ups this week was that the math tuition that im attending now really works and there's actually motivation for me to go because honey's going with me. so that one tuition that i actually WANT to go to. amazing..

another up is that i found out that im gonna get a laptop. awesome!! cant wait. the days of fighting(arguing and really fighting) for the computer is finally over and i can do my projects and work on the computer completely without any disturbance at all.

one more up happened yesterday. i went out for dinner with honey and we had an amazing time. watched doomsday. quite alright but too similar to i am legend. gory too. besides that, im not telling u anymore. yup.

now, for the downs of the week. one of the downs was that i had 3 tests. physics, econs and chem spa. in physics, i forgot to change my calculator to degree mode..(aye, stop laughing, im not the only one ok!!) in the econs test, i guess i did average, but im still kinda scared cause i just smoked my way through and threw in some random diagrams and economice terms.. well, hope i do well. and for chem spa, honey didnt do well in it cause of the lack of time. thanks yan yan for telling me, otherwise i would never have known. yup. well, my spa was the complete opposite of hers, cause i had quite alot of time left over. yup.

another down was that i had my napfa test. i actually didnt do so bad and i actually got 22 points. but, i cant get friggin gold because of the stupid run. thats because i got d for it. bummer..

alright guys, thts it. time to sleep.. CHECK OUT THE TIME!! bye readers..

shant leave a random ending note for this, because this week has been special and so the post for this week has to be special too. bye!!

Friday, April 18, 2008
9:21 PM

hey people!! havent blogged in a while. but thats because of the busy busy time i had. its not over yet, but im taking a temporary break now just for this. and maybe some other stuff. maybe. so u still have to feel honoured that im 'wasting' my break just for you. yes, you. and so andiani wont die of boredom everythime rx links her here.

anyway, the highlight of this month was my birthday. it was a super nice birthday even though presents were kinda scarce. well, who cares bout presents when u can spend it with friends? its the memory that lasts anyway. yup. so i would like to thank my og for celebrating my birthday with me on fri night, mel for spending it with me on sat and the nice cake that u baked. :) thanks! and a huge thanks to my cousins and uncles and aunties for spending time at my house. i really appreciate it. thanks. and to my class, sorry i couldnt invite u people, but i couldnt find time. very sorry. next year. yup.

another thing is that i just started a math tution. its a super good one where the teacher really knows what he's doing and i really learn from it. it was recommended by mel's father and its a really good thing that he did, otherwise my math will really cmi. haha.

on to other not so good things about my life, i've been having many tests this week, starting with chinese or chem and just had gp reading package test. heard that i did well for chem, but not so sure bout the other two. so, i've been spending quite alot of time studying and doing homework. that, combined with tuition, gives me so little time for myself and so i could not even find 5 mins to use the computer unless it was for doing my pi.

well, at least this week is over and its taken a toll on me and my health. but one other person i know who has suffered worse than me is mel. she's been sleeping super little and everything. but her perseverance is amazing where she does what she has to does and slept at 5 or 4 just to finish her things. well done. respect... :)

alright, thats about all there is and i'll just leave with a quote that may brighten ur life. (some of my classmates may know this)


[used when u want people to give u something]

alright guys.. thats it. hang on for my next post, may take some time though. tests last till week 10 :(